Facial Fat Transfer

Healthy men and women who have lost facial volume due to aging, or have a hereditary deficiency of facial fat, are excellence candidates for facial fat transfer. The best patients are those who have lost significant facial volume, had a negative reaction to wrinkle and line fillers in the past, or who desire a longer-term result than certain synthetic facial fillers. Fat cells that are transplanted, or transferred, into the face are harvested from other areas of the body (the donor site). Perfect candidates have sufficient fat cells on their donor sites.

Who Is A Candidate For Facial Fat Transfer?

Healthy men and women who have lost facial volume due to aging, or have a hereditary deficiency of facial fat, are excellence candidates for facial fat transfer. The best patients are those who have lost significant facial volume, had a negative reaction to wrinkle and line fillers in the past, or who desire a longer-term result than certain synthetic facial fillers. Fat cells that are transplanted, or transferred, into the face are harvested from other areas of the body (the donor site). Perfect candidates have sufficient fat cells on their donor sites.

What Is The Recovery Like From Facial Fat Transfer?

Facial fat transfer is performed under local anesthesia and light sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s preference. A process similar to liposuction is used to harvest fat cells from the thighs, hips, or buttocks. The harvested fat is purified and then transferred to the face using a small cannula. Tiny, hidden incisions requiring one or two sutures are used. Incisions on the face are very small, are hidden, and heal quickly without sutures.

Facial fat transfer is accomplished in an outpatient setting. Most patients return to home after only a few hours. Recovery is usually less than one week, at which time patients may return to work and non-strenuous activities. Mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising are common the first few days after surgery. Most patients feel confident returning to their public and social lives in 2-3 weeks. Dr. Jay Keni reduces bruising and recovery time with the use of homeopathic and herbal options. Detailed postoperative and aftercare instructions will be provided to each patient.

Schedule a Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Keni and his team.

02. Help us understand your unique goals.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

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